
Choose the test that’s right for YOU

Functional lab testing, personalized nutrition guidance, and meal planning. Testing options that cover every aspect of nutritional health to address your specific needs

Why do I need Previmedica?

The greatness about PREVI is that it’s not a one size fits all approach. In our system each individual is incredibly unique and therefore, needs its own unique support.

1. Start your health journey

Your lab results determine your plan.
Get started with your order and receive your test kit with everything you need and submit your sample for testing.
● Determine your food triggers, nutrient insufficiencies, genetic markers
● Develop a personalized food and supplement plan
● Reduce inflammation and resolve bothersome symptoms

2. Nutrition professionals

Achieve what seems beyond your reach alone
Nutrition experts with knowledge in applying functional nutrition guide you:
● Help you understand your test results and how they impact your individual needs
● Personalize a practical plan that fits into your lifestyle
● Provide ongoing support and helpful feedback

3. Meaningful lab data

Your results help quickly identify and remove health obstacles
Insight from test results can be life changing.
● Reduce chronic inflammation
● Resolve chronic symptoms such as migraines, fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, autoimmune conditions, weight struggles, and more

Frequently asked questions

No, you may test directly through our website or one of our program advisors at PreviMedica. We do require a blood draw provided by a medical professional that we can assist in arranging. You may also take part in our additional support programs.

PreviMedica food sensitivity tests test for sensitivities, not allergies. Visit our page The Science, to learn more about the differences between sensitivities, allergies, and intolerances.

We offer PreviMedica for Organizations for companies and organizations who want a wellness program offering for their employees. Please see the PreviMedica for Organizations page for more information.

For the scientific research behind the Cell Science Systems testing offered by PreviMedica, visit https://cellsciencesystems.com/education/research/.

Yes! While our lab is based in South Florida, our functional nutrition testing is available nationwide. Your sample will be mailed to our lab after collection.

Disclaimer: It is important to note that food sensitivity testing is distinct from food allergy testing. While both tests share the objective of identifying potential food reactions, they vary in their diagnostic methodology and the types of reactions they detect. Food allergy testing commonly focuses on immediate, life-threatening reactions to foods, while food sensitivity testing aims to detect delayed responses that can be less severe but still affect one’s health. Therefore, we strongly advise consulting with a qualified healthcare professional to determine which testing approach is most suitable for your particular situation.