
About PreviGuthealth

PreviGuthealth promotes intestinal health and wellness. Along with improving your overall well-being you may also benefit from weight loss, better quality of life, healthier skin, stronger mental resilience, and more.

Did you know that …

… 2 in 5 Americans are affected by recurring or chronic gut disorders? PreviMedica helps you get to the bottom of your digestive issues.

Chronic inflammation can destroy the cells lining your digestive tract, increasing intestinal permeability, and causing further inflammation. To restore the intestines and improve the microbiome it is essential to identify dietary inflammation causes and evaluate risks of intestinal diseases.

  • Functional food & chemical testing to determine dietary components causing inflammation. Bonus: 30 FREE commonly used chemical food additives
  • CICA (Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s Assay) genetic and antibody biomarkers to assess intestinal health and disease risk
  • FREE test results review & group sessions 

Our functional state-of-the-art food sensitivity test is based on the Alcat method.

Double-blinded studies show that 

  • The dietary intervention based on Alcat lab results significantly improves symptoms (Yale University, Sheba Medical Center Israel)
  • The Alcat Test is a biomarker for gluten sensitivity

Measures: functional cellular test (leukocyte activation test) –  analyses proinflammatory immune cell responses after challenging the patient’s immune cells with foods, medicinal herbs (phytoceuticals), additives, molds, and more

What to expect: You identify foods and other triggers connected to symptoms or absence of wellbeing and vitality

What else: strengthens and unburdens the immune system, helps weight management, various gut health disorders, skin, headaches, overall wellbeing

Disclaimer: Sensitivity is only determined for the substances included in this panel. It is possible you may be sensitive to substances not included.

  • 250 foods, most commonly eaten
  • 50 phytoceuticals (medicinal herbs, functional foods, adaptogens), such as spirulina and valerian root
  • Bonus: FREE 30 additives, such as MSG and aspartame

CICA (Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s Assay) tests immune pathways from different angles:

  • Genes: HLA-DQ genotypes associated with celiac disease; ATG16L1 + NOD2 genes assoc. with Crohn’s disease.
  • Antibodies: elevated DGP IgG/IgA + tTG IgG/IgA are associated with active/untreated celiac. Total serum IgA as a measurement to qualify IgA testing for tissue transglutaminase (tTG) and deaminated gliadin peptide (DGP) antibody levels.
  • Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody (ASCA) is frequently assoc. with Crohn’s disease. High levels of ASCA may also reflect increased intestinal inflammation and gut permeability.


What to expect: the state-of-the-art diagnostics offers nutritional solutions.

What else: the integrative nutrition approach is complimentary and can be combined with other treatments.

The Previ Expert Package is a comprehensive Lifestyle Medicine & Nutrition consulting opportunity.

Every diet, nutrition and supplement plan is unique. You benefit from the expertise of nutrition professionals using insights derived from the testing along with your medical history, medications, lifestyle, or goals to personalize nutrition and a supplement plan just for you. 

See details below.

Add on recommendations

Unten ist nur ein PLATZHALTER: Hier die add ons, die rein sollen: 1) PreviExpert Package 2) CNA 3) Alcat 64 Phytochemicals

About Previ Expert Package

Every diet, nutrition and supplement plan is unique and unlike any other. Benefit from the expertise of nutrition professionals who use the insights derived from the functional tests along with the patients’ medical conditions, lifestyle, medications, etc to personalize nutrition plans and supplements.

The Previ Expert Package is a comprehensive Lifestyle Medicine & Nutrition consulting opportunity.

Although all Previ bundles includes free test results review and group sessions you may benefit from these deep diving, convenient and all-inclusive premium expert services.

The Previ Expert Package includes nutrition expert services for 1-month. Flexible arrangements are possible thereafter. 

  • 2 individual telehealth consultations (results review, clinical guidance, health goals, personal preferences and more)
  • 100% personalized guidance to implement your tailored nutrition and elimination diet plan
  • 100% individualized supplement plan and/or recipe for a comfortable all-in-one supplement from our partner (evaluation of options and cost/benefit factor) 
  • Access to your nutrition expert in between the sessions; Access to online resources and educational sessions; Unlimited support via our portal messaging system (responses within one business day).
  • Customized Meal Planning Tools eBooklet 

A typical session lasts around 60 minutes, but may vary based on your needs and depending on your health goals.

Your personal goals and health history will reviewed and incorporated into your treatment program. 

Exceptional service will lead you to outstanding results.

Credibility of our lab tests

Functional Laboratory Testing aimed at personalized nutrition and prevention of chronic inflammation and autoimmune disease.

Cell Science Systems Corp. (CSS) is a specialty clinical laboratory that develops and performs testing in immunology, serology, cell biology, and other specialties supporting the personalized treatment and prevention of chronic disease. CSS operates a CLIA-certified laboratory and is an FDA inspected and registered, cGMP medical device manufacturer meeting ISO EN13485:2012 standards.

  • CLIA-ID#10D0283906
  • State of California Lab ID: 00800633
  • Reagents and instruments are CE marked for the international market

Cell Science Systems was the winner with 98%!

The prestigious Frost & Sullivan Award has only been presented once so far in 2016.

In particular, the high quality of customer service, the great benefit of the tests for patients with subsequent symptom improvement and the scientific approach were emphasized.

Cell Science Systems (CSS) has initiated and conducted many studies with neutral high-ranking universities.

The well investigated food sensitivity or intolerance test (Alcat Test) identifies, which foods, herbs, additives etc. may harm the body as cells are a reliable marker for causing, initiating and maintaining inflammation.

Immune cells can also be used as the biomarker for the absorption and metabolism of nutrients. The Cellular Nutrition Assays identify, which nutrients, botanicals, antioxidants etc. support and benefit an individual.

People are very different and have unique needs. Alcat and CNA don’t rely on population average standards as each test serves as its own baseline.  

The functional nutrition tests can be further specialized and used as an indicator or risk assessment for disease processes: for example, CICA for intestinal complaints or the telomere length test to determine the ratio between actual age and the so-called biological age. 

– B. König et al; Studies of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA released from food allergen-activated neutrophils. Implications for non-IgE food allergy; Allergy Asthma Proc.; 2021 May 1;42(3):e59-e70.doi: 10.2500/aap.2021.42.210021; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33980341/

– F. B. Willis et al; Food Allergen Elimination for Obesity Reduction; a Longitudinal, Case-Control Trial; DOI:10.31488/bjg.1000122; https://britishjournalofgastroenterology.com/food-allergen-elimination-for-obesity

Double-blind studies on the Alcat Test:

(1) Ali et al; Efficacy of individualised diets in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: a randomised controlled trial; Yale Scholl of Medicine; BMJ Open Gastroenterol. 2017 Sep 20;4(1):e000164. doi: 10.1136/bmjgast-201 (https://bmjopengastro.bmj.com/content/4/1/e000164 )

(2) Garcia-Martinez, I., Weiss, T.R., Yousaf, M.N. et al. A leukocyte activation test identifies food items which induce release of DNA by innate immune peripheral blood leucocytes. Yale School of Medicine; Nutr Metab (Lond) 15, 26 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12986-018-0260-4

(3) Lukaszuk I.M, Shokrani M, Ghosh Roy P, Hoppensteadt J, and Josephine Umoren; Effects of Antigen Leukocyte Cellular Activation Test-Based Diet on Inflammation, Body Composition, and Medical Symptoms; Northern Illinois University; Alternative and Complementary Therapies VOL. 24, NO. 5; 11 Oct 2018 https://doi.org/10.1089/act.2018.29183.jml

(4) Buck Willis F, Ram Shanmugam, Sarah A Curran. Food Allergen Eliminations for Obesity Reduction: A Comparison Study with Therapeutic Exercise. University of Texas; Food Sci Nutr Res. 2018; 1(1): 1-6.; https://scivisionpub.com/pdfs/food-allergen-eliminations-for-obesity-reduction-a-comparison-study-with-therapeutic-exercise-580.pdf

(5) Michele Di Stefano, Eugenia Vittoria Pesatori, Giulia Francesca Manfredi, Mara De Amici, Giacomo Grandi, Alessandro Gabriele, Davide Iozzi, Giuseppe Di Fede; Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity in patients with severe abdominal pain and bloating: The accuracy of ALCAT 5; University of Pavia; Clin Nutr ESPEN; 2018 Dec;28:127-131. DOI: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2018.08.017 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30390869/

(6) Pierluigi Pompei, Iolanda Grappasonni, Stefania Scuri, Fabio Petrelli, Enea Traini, Sacha Sorrentino, Giuseppe Di Fede: A Clinical Evidence of a Correlation Between Insulin Resistance and the ALCAT Food Intolerance Test; University of Camerino; Altern Ther Health Med; 2019 Mar;25(2):22-38. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30990791

(7) Pietschmann, N. “Food Intolerance: Immune Activation Through Diet-associated Stimuli in Chronic Disease,” Altern Ther Health Med, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 42-52, 2015 Jul-Aug 2015

(8) “High Correlation of the Alcat Test Results with Double Blind Challenge (DBC) in Food Sensitivity“; Fell, Brostoff & Pasula, Präsentation der Studiendurchführung und Ergebnisse beim 45. Annual Congress of the American College of Allergy and Immunology, Los Angeles vom 12. – 16. November 1988 und anschließend Veröffentlichung in den Annals of Allergy.

(9) “Alcat a new test for food induced problems in medicine?“ Fell et al., Präsentation der Studiendurchführung und Ergebnisse beim Jahrestreffen der American Academy of  Otolaryngic Allergy, Washington DC, 1. Oktober 1988

(10) ”Alcat® – a new cellular test for food sensitivity“; Fell, Brostoff & Soulsby, Präsentation der Studiendurchführung und Ergebnisse beim Jahrestreffen der American In-Vitro Allergy & Immunology Society, August 1990, Toronto, Canada

(11) ”Cellular responses to food in irritable bowel syndrome – an investigation of the Alcat Test“; Fell, Soulsby & Brostoff, Publikation der zusammengefassten Studien-Ergebnisse im Journal of Nutritional Medicine, Vol. 2, Nr. 2, 1991

(12) “Diagnostic Value of Alcat Test in intolerance to food additives compared with double blind placebo controlled (DBPC) oral challenges“ L. Hoj, J Allerg Clin Immun 1 (3); 1996

Reproducibility studies:

(13) “Reproducibility of the Alcat Test”; Studie von Dr. Paul Potter an der Universität Kapstadt, Johannesburg, Südafrika 1994.

(14) “Reproducibility of the Antigen Leukocyte Cellular Antibody Test (Alcat) – Statistical Analysis, Summary Statistics & Scientific Report“, University of the Range Free State in Bloemfontein, Südafrika, Dr. WML Neetling and Dr. AM Kachelhoffer von Januar – April, 1998.

(15) “Parexel Medstat Final Statistical Report – Study of the Alcat Test in 10 subjects”, Dr. Per Fuglerud, Parexel Norwegen, Nov. 1999

(16) Study Comparing Alcat Test Results With Flow Cytometry and Microscop, Dr. Gitte Jensen, NIS Labs (Natural Immune System) Oregon, USA, 2009

Alcat studies – other

(17) ”Evaluation of Alcat Test Results in the Non-IgE Mediated Pathology of the Skin” DeAmici et al., Studiendurchführung und -bericht der Universität von Pavia, Italien. Presented at the 30th Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 11 – 15 June 2011 – Istanbul, Turkey. (Poster Presentation, Abstract #553)

(18) ”Alcat Test Results in the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Symptoms” Berardi L. et al., Studiendurchführung und -bericht der Universität von Pavia, Italien. Presented at the 30th Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 11 – 15 June 2011 – Istanbul, Turkey. (Poster Presentation, Abstract #552)

(19) ”Rational management of food intolerance in an elite soccer club” Angelini et al., Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2011, 8(Suppl 1):36

(20) ”Alcat Test Identifies Food Intolerance in Patients with Gastrointestinal Symptoms” Berardi et al., Report of the XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Supplement 90, Volume 64, 2009, pg. 490.

(21) “Food Intolerance in Patients with Cutaneous Diseases: Diagnostic Value of the Alcat Test” Berardi et al., Report of the XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Supplement 90, Volume 64, 2009, pg. 490.

(22) “The Effect of the Alcat Test Diet Therapy for Food Sensitivity in Patients with Obesity” Akmal et al., Middle East Journal of Family Medicine. April 2009 – Vol. 7, Issue 3.

(23) ” IMS Health Economics and Outcomes Research – Influence of Food Intolerance in Migraines: Final Report of Statistical Results” Immunological Center of Cataluna, Version 3, December 28, 2006.

(24) “A Comparison of the Alcat Test for Food Reactions Amongst 2 Population Sub-Groups” Studienpräsentation von Dr. DH Sandberg und Dr. MJ Pasula, 45th Annual Congress of the American College of Allergy and Immunology, Los Angeles, CA: November 12 – 16, 1998, publiziert in den Annals of Allergy.

(25) “The Short Term Efficacy of the Alcat Test of Food Sensitivities to Facilitate Changes in Body Composition and Self-Reported Disease Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Study” Kaats et al. in Am J of Bariatric Med, Spring 1996: 18 – 23.

(26) “El test Alcat de sensibilidad a los alimentos y su interés en Medicina Estética Cabo-Soler JR. Alcuni Particolari Della Dieta In Medicina Estetica (Comments On Diets In Esthetic Medicine)”. Abstract of 14th Med Day of Esthetical Medicine & Dermatological Survey. Venice, Italy, Sep. 22 – 23, 1995. Published in the proceedings.

(27) “Outcome Study in 353 Consecutive Patients Following The Alcat Diet”, Studie von Dr. Lene Hoj in Kopenhagen, Allergy Clinic Charlottenlund, Dänemark 1998. Non-Published.

(28) “Prevalence of food allergy and intolerance in children based on MAST CLA and Alcat Tests” Buczylko et al., Rocz Akad Med Bialymst. 1995; 40(3):452 – 456.

(29) “Alcat Test Results in the Treatment of Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Arthritis, Skin and Central Nervous System” Mylek et al., Rocz Akad Med Bialymst. 1995; 40(3): 625 – 629.

(30) “Food Intolerance in Patients with Angioedema and Chronic Urticaria. An investigation by RAST and Alcat Test Studie von Dr. Lene Hoj, präsentiert beim XVI European Congress of Allergy and Clinical Immunology”, Madrid, Spanien: June 25 – 30, 1995 und publiziert im European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology – Supplement, No. 26, Vol. 50, 1995.

(31) “Multiple Pathogenic Mechanisms in Food Sensitivity Reaction In-Vitro”. Pasula MJ, Puccio SG, 4th International Symposium on Immunological and Clinical Problems of Food Allergy, Milan, Italy. November 5 – 9, 1989. Abstract Symposium Book, pg. 37.

(32) “Influence of Food antigens on Volumes of Circulating White Blood Cells and Platelets Aggregation Studienpräsentation beim 4. Symposium on Immunological and Clinical Problems of Food Allergy”, Mailand, Italien, 5. – 9. November 1989

(33) “The Alcat Test – A Guide and Barometer in the Therapy of Environmental and Food Sensitivities”. Dr. BA Solomon, Environmental Medicine, Vol. 9, Number 2, 1992:2 – 6

(34) “Pilot Study into the Effect of Naturally Occurring Pharmacoactive Agents on the Alcat Test”. Fell, PJ. American Otolaryngic Allergy Association Annual Meeting, September 27, 1991, Kansas City, MO. Published in the proceedings.

(35) “Inhibitory Effect of Sodium Cromoglycate on Granulocyte Response to Food Antigens In-Vitro”. Fell PJ, Sandberg DH, Pasula MJ. 47th Annual meeting of the American College of Allergy & Immunology, November 10 – 14, 1990, San Francisco, CA. Publ. in proceedings.

(36) “Gastrointestinal Complaints Related to Diet”, DH Sandberg, International Pediatrics, Vol. 5 No. 1, 1990:23 – 9.

(37) “South African Outcome Study randomisierte Studie an 274 Patienten”, Dr. Jan Geldenhuys, Johannesburg, Südafrika, 1997

(38) “Allergie alimentari. Tecniche diagnostiche a confronto [Food allergy: comparison of diagnostic techniques]”, Mancini S, Fierimonte V, Iacovoni R, Spaini A, Viarani P, Pichi A., Minerva Pediatr. 1995 May;47(5):159-63 [Italian]

(39). “Technical Study Comparing The Alcat Methodology With Activation Of Granulocytes Following Challenge With Zymosan”. Studie von Dr. Cristina Mele der Universität von Rom.

(40) “Autism – a multidisciplinary approach to treatment”, Kotsanis et al. 1994. Diese Studie wurde unter der Leitung von Dr. Constantine A. Kotsanis durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse wurden auf dem Jahrestreffen der American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy 1994 präsentiert und stehen auf der Webseite des Kotsianis Instituts zur Verfügung. https://www.kotsanisinstitute.com

(41) “Controversial antigen leucocyte cellular antibody test (Alcat): a non specific inhibitory effect of alpha glycoproteins”, Kedryna & Guminska, Med Sci Monit 1999; 5(2):BR193 – 197.

(42) “Ogni intervento comincia a tavola”, Mele Cristina, Medici Oggi, Maggio 2002: 210 – 213

(43) “Evaluation of the cytotoxic food test and the Alcat (antigen leukocyte cellular antibody test)”. Pol Merkuriusz Lek. 1997 Feb;2(8):154 – 9.

(44) “The Alcat Test: in vitro procedure for determining food sensitivities”, Pasula MJ., Folia Med Cracov. 1993; 34(1 –4):153 –7.

(45) “Pharmacoactive Compounds in Foods – The effect on the Alcat Test in Healthy volunteers and patients suffering from Migraine” Fell PJ, Brostoff J, Pasula M. AAOA News 9:2:29.

How it works

1) Choose Your Test

We are here to support you at every step. Receive your test test kit and have your blood drawn at a lab or in the convenience of your home or office. 

2) Get Your Results Within Days

Test results will be provided in digital format via secure mail. Complete your Health Questionnaire forms on our safe patient portal.  

3) Meet With A Nutrition Expert

Ready? Your PreviMedica nutrition expert provides individualized guidance based on your test results and needs. Get customized supplements with the “Previ Expert package”.

4) Become A Healthier You!

Your are unique. With PreviMedica’s functional lab tests and nutrition guidance you will know which foods and supplements are good for you and your body will love it!

Frequently asked questions

No, you may test directly through our website or one of our program advisors at PreviMedica. We do require a blood draw provided by a medical professional that we can assist in arranging. You may also take part in our additional support programs.

PreviMedica food sensitivity tests test for sensitivities, not allergies. Visit our page The Science, to learn more about the differences between sensitivities, allergies, and intolerances.

We offer PreviMedica for Organizations for companies and organizations who want a wellness program offering for their employees. Please see the PreviMedica for Organizations page for more information.

For the scientific research behind the Cell Science Systems testing offered by PreviMedica, visit https://cellsciencesystems.com/education/research/.

Yes! While our lab is based in South Florida, our functional nutrition testing is available nationwide. Your sample will be mailed to our lab after collection.

Disclaimer: It is important to note that food sensitivity testing is distinct from food allergy testing. While both tests share the objective of identifying potential food reactions, they vary in their diagnostic methodology and the types of reactions they detect. Food allergy testing commonly focuses on immediate, life-threatening reactions to foods, while food sensitivity testing aims to detect delayed responses that can be less severe but still affect one’s health. Therefore, we strongly advise consulting with a qualified healthcare professional to determine which testing approach is most suitable for your particular situation.

Alte Produktbeschreibung

Determine genetic risk for Crohn’s and celiac disease as well as food triggers of IBS and other gut disorders.

  • Relieve gastrointestinal discomfort
  • Take appropriate steps to reduce risks of GI conditions
  • Reduce inflammation and heal a leaky gut
  • Reduce inflammation

Your future with better gut health and well-being

About the PreviGutHealth Bundle:

Recurring or chronic digestive conditions and associated symptoms can be both distressing and debilitating.

  • Chronic inflammation can destroy the cells lining your digestive tract, increasing intestinal permeability, and causing further inflammation.
  • The PreviGutHealth test kit comes with everything you need to support your digestive health and wellness, including functional nutrition testing and nutritional support.

Test Panels Include:

  • The Alcat Food Sensitivity Test evaluates your body’s innate immune system response to substances such as foods, additives, colorings, and chemicals. The Alcat test panels in PreviGutHealth include 250 of the most commonly eaten foods; 30 common additives, such as MSG and aspartame; and 50 functional foods, such as spirulina and valerian root.
  • The Celiac, IBS, and Crohn’s Array (CICA) evaluates your genetic risk for celiac disease and checks for genetic markers associated with Crohn’s disease. The CICA is designed to provide an accurate evaluation of GI tract function by gathering information from various pathways.

*These tests require you to have your blood drawn. We will help with coordinating this for you, if needed.

Disclaimer: Sensitivity is only determined for the substances included in the panel you choose. It is possible you may be sensitive to substances not included in your panel. The more substances you test for, the more information you will have.