

$231 savings

PreviLean focuses on weight management and promotes metabolic balance. You will discover food triggers causing inflammation and address nutrient imbalances that interfere with weight loss efforts. Along with healthy weight loss you my also benefit from energy boost, reduced cravings, better gut health. healthier skin.

  • PreviLean Food Sensitivity panel: 250 foods / 50 phytoceuticals
  • CNA (Cellular Nutrition Assay): nutrition status, micronutrient insufficiencies, individual antioxidants to counteract oxidative stress
  • Bonus: 50% Methyl Detox Profile ($155 ($310))
  • Bonus: free Results Reviews, group sessions

Original price was: $1,330.00.Current price is: $1,099.00.

About PreviLean bundle

Did you know that …

… 2 in 5 Americans are affected by recurring or chronic gut disorders? PreviMedica helps you get to the bottom of your digestive issues.

Chronic inflammation can destroy the cells lining your digestive tract, increasing intestinal permeability, and causing further inflammation. To restore the intestines and improve the microbiome it is essential to identify dietary inflammation causes and evaluate risks of intestinal diseases.

  • Functional food & chemical testing to determine dietary components causing inflammation. Bonus: 30 FREE commonly used chemical food additives
  • CICA (Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s Assay) genetic and antibody biomarkers to assess intestinal health and disease risk
  • FREE test results review & group sessions 

Our functional state-of-the-art food sensitivity test is based on the Alcat method.

Double-blinded studies show that 

  • The dietary intervention based on Alcat lab results significantly improves symptoms (Yale University, Sheba Medical Center Israel)
  • The Alcat Test is a biomarker for gluten sensitivity

Measures: functional cellular test (leukocyte activation test) –  analyses proinflammatory immune cell responses after challenging the patient’s immune cells with foods, medicinal herbs (phytoceuticals), additives, molds, and more

What to expect: You identify foods and other triggers connected to symptoms or absence of wellbeing and vitality

What else: strengthens and unburdens the immune system, helps weight management, various gut health disorders, skin, headaches, overall wellbeing

Disclaimer: Sensitivity is only determined for the substances included in this panel. It is possible you may be sensitive to substances not included.

  • 250 foods, most commonly eaten
  • 50 phytoceuticals (medicinal herbs, functional foods, adaptogens), such as spirulina and valerian root
  • Bonus: FREE 30 additives, such as MSG and aspartame

CICA (Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s Assay) tests immune pathways from different angles:

  • Genes: HLA-DQ genotypes associated with celiac disease; ATG16L1 + NOD2 genes assoc. with Crohn’s disease.
  • Antibodies: elevated DGP IgG/IgA + tTG IgG/IgA are associated with active/untreated celiac. Total serum IgA as a measurement to qualify IgA testing for tissue transglutaminase (tTG) and deaminated gliadin peptide (DGP) antibody levels.
  • Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody (ASCA) is frequently assoc. with Crohn’s disease. High levels of ASCA may also reflect increased intestinal inflammation and gut permeability.


What to expect: the state-of-the-art diagnostics offers nutritional solutions.

What else: the integrative nutrition approach is complimentary and can be combined with other treatments.

The Previ Expert Package is a comprehensive Lifestyle Medicine & Nutrition consulting opportunity.

Every diet, nutrition and supplement plan is unique. You benefit from the expertise of nutrition professionals using insights derived from the testing along with your medical history, medications, lifestyle, or goals to personalize nutrition and a supplement plan just for you. 

See details below.

Add on recommendations at a discount

Previ Expert Service

add on $349 (reg. $399)

Premium support recommended for clinical guidance, optimizing performance or special needs (needed to customize supplements).

64 wellness phytoceuticals

add on $122 (reg. $197)

Check 64 more medicinal herbs, functional foods, and adaptogens to avoid adverse intolerance reactions (e.g. for customized supplements).

 Telomere Length Test

add on $168 (reg. $210)

The length of telomeres is an indicator of biological aging. Telomeres can be prematurely shortened due to oxidation, inflammation, and stress.

30 chemical intolerances (food additives)

add on $57 (reg. $132)

Check 64 more medicinal herbs, functional foods, and adaptogens to avoid adverse intolerance reactions (e.g. for customized supplements).

About Previ Expert Package

1-month exceptional service leads to outstanding benefits.

Expert Highlights:

  • 100% personalized premium lifestyle medicine & nutrition
  • Includes clinical guidance & practical recources
  • Customized supplement plan (or create all-in-one supplement)

The Previ Expert Package is a comprehensive Lifestyle Medicine & Nutrition consulting opportunity. 

Every diet, nutrition and supplement plan is unique. You benefit from the expertise of nutrition professionals using insights derived from the testing along with your medical history, medications, lifestyle, or goals to personalize nutrition and a supplement plan just for you. 

  • Previ Expert is especially recommended for people with existing health conditions.
  • Also those who seek deep insights or want to get a 100% personalized supplement plan (or all-in-one customized supplement) will surely benefit from these PREMIUM services.

The Previ Expert Package includes nutrition expert services for 1-month. Flexible arrangements are possible thereafter. 

  • 2 individual telehealth consultations (results review, clinical guidance, health goals, personal preferences and more)
  • 100% personalized guidance to implement your tailored nutrition and elimination diet plan
  • 100% individualized supplement plan and/or recipe for a comfortable all-in-one supplement from our partner (evaluation of options and cost/benefit factor) 
  • Access to your nutrition expert in between the sessions; Access to online resources and educational sessions; Unlimited support via our portal messaging system (responses within one business day).
  • Customized Meal Planning Tools eBooklet 

A typical session lasts around 60 minutes, but may vary based on your needs and depending on your health goals.

Your personal goals and health history will reviewed and incorporated into your treatment program. 

Exceptional service will lead you to outstanding results.

Add on the Previ Expert for $349 (reg. $399)

About Cellular Nutrition Assays (CNA)

Add on Cellular Nutrition Assays

Check if this add on opportunity is right for you:

  • Nutrition & health status optimization with a tailored food and supplement plan
  • Existing and chronic disorders
  • Optimize performance & sports nutrition, anti-aging, weight management
  • Women’s and Men’s health 
  • Mental health, burnout, fatigue
  • Woman – middle age: “Even though I have always eaten well and supplemented with vitamins and minerals, I struggled for years with fatigue. The CNA identified that I was not getting enough and the right forms of B vitamins, vitamin E, and a few amino acids. I have started to eat  more protein sources and changed my supplement routine. My energy is better and I noticed that my focus has also improved.”
  • Woman – middle age: “My doctor recommended the CNA together with the Alcat Test because no tests helped my skin rash. I was amazed that my skin problems were gone after only 6 weeks and I feel much better. Some fruits, veggies and casein were reactive in my Alcat list. I was missing vitamin E and K. You can’t guess – I found out what “healthy” means for me only after I got tested!”

If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have the safest way to health. (Hippocrates)

Taking the “extra vitamin kick” or botanicals does not always have the beneficial effect that is hoped for. 

Micronutrients need to counteract high levels of stress in today‘s world, including environmental pollution, toxins, and drugs, varying from person to person. Lifestyle, genetics, pregnancy, recent infection, sleep patterns, overexertion in sports, age, gender, all play a role. 

The CNA provide insight into your long term intracellular nutrient status. The CNA are calibrated according to the individual’s need and how the immune cells respond to the addition of each test item.

Thus, the CNA tell you what your cells need.

Achieve your best! the CNA provide the ground for personalized foods and supplements tailored to your unique needs.

  • Identify micronutrient insufficiencies: cellular micronutrient status; 55 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients
  • Cell stress testing: your cells’ ability to resist oxidative stress (redox)
  • Cell Protection testing: particularly beneficial antioxidants for you: Antioxidant Protection Assay: 49 antioxidants, botanicals, phytonutrients, anti-inflammatory, nutrients, fatty acids, and enzymes 

The Previ Expert Package will take into account all laboratory findings for your personalized nutrition and supplement plan.

Your Previ Expert will offer also guidance if you take a product for medical reasons. 

Nutrient stores in cells reflect long-term nutritional status and have the most functional impact. We analyze the direct response of your immune cells (lymphocytes) when individual micronutrients are added to them. Increased nutrient need is indicated by an increase in activity or metabolism of your cells. 

The Redox Assay or your “cell stress test” determines your antioxidant capacity, in other words, your cells’ ability to resist oxidative damage.

The cell protection test takes all the guesswork out of identifying which nutrients would work best to protect your cells, resist oxidative damage, and improve your overall antioxidant capacity (Redox).

Results are actionable, easy to understand, and meaningful.

A simple blood draw is needed.

Nutrients are highlighted according to your cellular responses. Descriptions of each “insufficient” nutrient and “protective” antioxidant are provided along with foods to emphasize to meet the increased nutrient need.

We highly recommend that this test be used as part of a comprehensive nutritional assessment with individualized guidance as provided with the Previ Expert Package. 

Chose to test and not guess. 

Add on CNA for $299 (reg. $375)

About intolerance to phytoceuticals

Add on 64 phytoceuticals

Check if this add on opportunity is right for you:

  • Existing and chronic disorders; Use of natural medicines
  • Optimize your supplement routine, cosmetics or “healthy lifestyle foods”
  • Increase performance, digestion, weight management
  • Women’s health (especially menopause); Men’s health (andropause)

Medicinal herbs, functional foods and botanicals are present in supplements, teas, creams, tinctures, cosmetics… even in “lifestyle foods”, e.g. protein bars.

The potency of botanicals is easily underestimated. Our practice uncovers how the intake of supposedly healthy food supplements or natural medicine led to complaints:

  • Middle-aged man: exclusion of reactive
    grape seed extract led to symptom relief
  • Young woman: Frequent consumption of highly reactive mate tea led to persistent digestive complaints
  • Middle-aged woman: exclusion of aloe vera
    from skin care products significantly improved skin appearance

Taking the “extra vitamin kick” or botanicals does not always have the beneficial effect that is hoped for. The active ingredients are very potent and should not be underestimated.

The biologically active plant ingredients in adaptogens are intended to help people “adapt” to increased physical and emotional stress situations. Some of them are also said to have antagonistic effects, e.g. simultaneously calming and vitalizing or stress-reducing and performance- enhancing.

The functional Alcat sensitivity test evaluates if immune cell reaction against phytoceuticals are present. If an excessive cellular immune response (sensitivity or intolerance) is identified, the consumption should be considered.

So that a medicinal herb or functional food can develop the desired effect on you satisfactorily it is important to determine whether a substance is a friend or foe of your immune cells.

If you show a reaction in your Alcat Intolerance Test to medicinal herbs or functional foods, you should definitely avoid the substance affected.

The Previ Expert Package will protect you from such incompatible substances and take into account all lab findings for your personalized nutrition and supplement plan.

Your Previ Expert will offer also guidance if you take a product for medical reasons. 

Functional phytoceutical intolerance testing

This highly specialized functional Alcat phytoceutical sensitivity test uses the same principle as for food intolerance to assess whether immune cell reactions are present. If a foe is identified in form of an excessive cellular immune response (intolerance), the intake should be considered.

Phytoceutical intolerance test results are easy to understand, actionable, and meaningful.

A simple blood draw is needed.

Alcat Test results are categorized by your individual degree of cellular reactivity (severe, moderate, mild, or non-reactive) and reported in an easy to read color-coded format.

For this highly specialized test panel we recommend that this test be used as part of a comprehensive nutritional assessment with individualized guidance as provided with the Previ Expert Package. 

Chose to test and not guess. 

Add on 64 phytoceuticals for $122 (regular $197)

How it works

1) Choose Your Test

We are here to support you at every step. Receive your test test kit and have your blood drawn at a lab or in the convenience of your home or office.

2) Get Your Results Within Days

Test results will be provided in digital format via secure mail. Complete your Health Questionnaire forms on our safe patient portal.

3) Meet With A Nutrition Expert

Ready? Your PreviMedica nutrition expert provides individualized guidance based on your test results and needs. Get customized supplements with the “Previ Expert package”.

4) Become A Healthier You!

Your are unique. With PreviMedica’s functional lab tests and nutrition guidance you will know which foods and supplements are good for you and your body will love it!

Credibility of our lab tests

Functional Laboratory Testing aimed at personalized nutrition and prevention of chronic inflammation and autoimmune disease.

Functional testing can meet your unique needs and does not use population average standards. Instead, each test serves as its own baseline.

The Alcat food sensitivity or intolerance test identifies adverse reactions to dietary items. Especially innate immune cells are a reliable indicator of a pro-inflammatory reaction – they cause, initiate and maintain inflammation.

Immune cells can also be used as a biomarker for the absorption and metabolism of nutrients. The Cellular Nutrition Assays (CNA) show which nutrients, botanicals, antioxidants etc. are insufficient and which are beneficial for an individual.

The functional nutrition tests can be complimented using indicators or risk assessment for disease processes: for example, CICA for intestinal complaints or the telomere length test to determine the ratio between actual age and the so-called biological age. 

Cell Science Systems (CSS) was the clear winner of the prestigious Frost & Sullivan Award, which was granted only once in 2016.

These points were particularly highlighted:

  • High quality of customer service 
  • Great patient benefits from lab testing and improvement of symtoms 
  • Scientific approach and ongoing studies

Frequently asked questions

You can expect your test kit to arrive in 3-5 business days, depending on where you reside. 

No, you may test directly through our website or one of our program advisors at PreviMedica. We do require a blood draw provided by a medical professional that we can assist in arranging. You may also take part in our additional support programs.

No. Fasting is not required. However, we recommend NOT taking any medications or supplements at least 4 hours prior to the blood draw.

Genetic testing: Gluten consumption prior to testing would not impact the results. Continue with your current eating pattern. No change in gluten consumption is necessary. 

Serology markers (antibody titers): Because antibody titers are exposure related, purposeful avoidance of gluten can cause a decrease of serological results. Therefore, the patient’s exposure to gluten containing grains should be considered when interpreting tTg and DGP serology results.

Our recommendations: For those without a current diagnosis of celiac disease or wheat allergy, who have been avoiding gluten, a consumption of gluten (≥ 1 ½ slices of wheat bread or equivalent daily) for a minimum of the first two weeks of the last four weeks, prior to testing, is recommended. 

Note: Of the four celiac disease antibodies that are measured within the CICA, tTg-IgA is the most highly studied and most of our knowledge of the temporal relationship between the presence of antibody and the exposure to gluten come from that antibody. It is likely that the other antibodies have a similar pattern, but we cannot be certain. 

CICA results are available online within 7-10 business days after the specimen is received in the laboratory. 

You will be notified via email when your specimen arrives at the laboratory with notification of when to expect your results. Once your results are ready, they will be uploaded to our secure portal and you will receive an email notification indicating your results are ready for you to view. Please follow the instructions to start your account on the PreviMedica portal.

With every test offered by PreviMedica, you will be eligible to receive a complimentary 30-minute phone or video consultation with a member of our support team to discuss test results. To request an appointment for a complimentary session, please complete this form: https://cellsciencesystems.com/resultsreview 

The genetic component of CICA is not necessary to test more than once. 

For those with a diagnosis of celiac disease, using this test to monitor and assess impact of the gluten free lifestyle on tTg and DGP antibodies, continue to follow the gluten free lifestyle. The strictness of the gluten free lifestyle to prevent celiac disease activity may not be equal for all individuals with the disease. Reports range from a few months to a year or more for the antibody level to go from positive to negative. For those with a diagnosis of celiac disease, please consult your physician to determine if this test is appropriate for you. 

No, insurance plans do not reimburse for this test, currently. However, you may be able to use your FSA or HSA to pay for the test.

Disclaimer: It is important to note that food sensitivity testing is distinct from food allergy testing. While both tests share the objective of identifying potential food reactions, they vary in their diagnostic methodology and the types of reactions they detect. Food allergy testing commonly focuses on immediate, life-threatening reactions to foods, while food sensitivity testing aims to detect delayed responses that can be less severe but still affect one’s health. Therefore, we strongly advise consulting with a qualified healthcare professional to determine which testing approach is most suitable for your particular situation.